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The Polykill Chrome Extension provides an easy way to run a risk report without installing anything onto your website directly. It injects the Polykill.js JavaScript library and produces a report immediately.

This is a great way to get a basic understanding of JavaScript risk, but does not provide the same coverage as Polykill.js. Malicious JavaScript can evade detection in certain scenarios and one-off tests should not be solely relied on for full understanding.

The Polykill Chrome Extension inventories and analyzes:

  • All static and dynamic scripts running on the page
  • XHR and beacon calls made to 3rd parties
  • Sensitive data harvesting capabilities
  • Breach history of script domain owner
  • Domain name transfer activity
  • and much more
Install the extension and view report
Polykill.js report
  • Risk analysis on full JavaScript domain, path and parameters
  • Risk analysis of 3rd party payload, breach history and more
Media Coverage
ArsTechnicaBleeping ComputerDevOpsSecurity BlvdThe Register